Treasures of this Land

Treasures of this Land is an art exhibition and auction, raising funds in aid of animals and plants facing an uncertain future across the Macedon Ranges.

Featuring artworks from over a dozen nationally and internationally acclaimed artists including Mary Barton, Daniel Butterworth, Matt Butterwoth, Peter D. Cole, Helen M. Cole, Oliver Cole, Ian Drummond, Flynn Silver, Karan Hayman, Lucie Howson, Mark Howson,  Tim Jones, Amanda Marburg, Angelina Pwerle, Cameron Robbins, Sam Slicer and Jason Waterhouse the exhibition will raise raise community awareness of the rich and diverse ecosystems of the Macedon Ranges.

In our lifetime, the local landscape has been irrevocably changed through a wide range of land uses and practices. Native animals such as the Koala, Platypus and Growling Grass Frog which once used to be found here in abundance, are rarely seen.

Now is the time for community action to protect the habitats and animals that have called the Macedon Ranges home for centuries.

All funds raised will support the success of the Greenhill to Black Hill biolink, a community-led restoration project that is improving local habitat for endangered animals and plants. 

Visit Treasures of this Land

Visit the Art Exhibition

Buy raffle tickets here 


Auction opens 1 October, 2022. All funds raised will support the success of the Greenhill to Black Hill biolink, a community-led restoration project that is improving local habitat for endangered animals and plants. 

Total raised
Pledge a donation

Auction terms and conditions

  • Online bidding will close at 5:00pm November 8th
  • Items that do not reach reserve will be passed in 
  • Any postage required for delivery of prize will be incurred by the recipient
  • Live auction will be held at event 11th November
  • Highest online bidder for each lot will be offered the opportunity to continue bidding in the live auction via phone in 
  • The highest online bidder will be contacted on the 9th and 10th of November by a Biolinks Alliance team member to get your preference. We will try to contact you two times only prior to the event to set everything up - if we cannot get in contact with you - your highest bid will start the live auction bidding  
  • Phone in bidders (highest online bidders) if they wish to continue must be available for live auction call-in between the hours of 8 and 9 pm on the event eve 11th November
  • If no bidding occurs on auction item at event highest online bidder WINS - transaction will be confirmed 
Items in this auction are being sold by Biolinks Alliance.
Contact name: Kara Finlay
Get in touch
Bids for items in this auction are in Australian Dollars.
Pledge a donation

Showing 10 of 24 auction items

#1 Entering West Arnhem, 2019, Mary Barton

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#3 Untitled (push/pull), 2022, Matt Butterworth

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#2 Tree, 2022, Daniel Butterworth

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#4 Turkish Vase, 2021, Helen M Cole

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#5 Aussie Battler, 2009, Oliver Cole

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#7 Bowl, Ian Drummond

Online bidding* ended
Starting price

#8 Platypus Paperweight, Flynn Silver

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#9 Morning Rest, 2018, Karan Hayman

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid

#11 Three Flowers, 2021, Mark Howson

Online bidding* ended
Winning bid