Welcome to the Silent Auction of the 10th Annual Somali Hope Foundation Gala!
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and partners, we have brought our Gala’s famous silent auction onto this online platform.
Bidding opens on Tuesday June 23, 2020. The Gala and final bidding will take place on Saturday July 11, 2020 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm EDT.
We are regularly adding new items, so be sure to check back frequently.
For any questions and support regarding the platform, please reach out to support@toosts.com
If you would like to donate an item to the auction, please contact our Executive Director Mahamud Elmi at mahamud.elmi@somalihopefoundation.ca or +1 613-255-4853
Thank you for your generous support!
To register for the Gala, click here