LiXia Liu 'Impression of DunHuang - Manjusri Bodhisattva'

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LiXia Liu
'Impression of DunHuang - Manjusri Bodhisattva'
Modified Oil Paint(Grated Shells, Mud,Laterite) on canvas
90 x 90cm

"LiXia Liu, a contemporary painting artist based in Launceston. Born and raised in TianJin China, she is cultivated by Buddhism and traditional Chinese painting from her youth which eventually shape her unique painting style.

According to Liu, painting has brought her the power of inner peace and the ultimate freedom to release her boldness. Her painting has reflected a great passion for Buddhism as well as her creativity in experimenting with different painting mediums discovered from the bush and beach walking in Tasmania. Sand, shells, soil and stone often become the major components blended into the oriental painting medium which elevates the detailing arts of Gongbi. Not merely bringing life to the forgotten culture, her works have generated a representation bridging the past and the present as well as the east and the west.

Hence, her insight in portraying the vicissitude of the ancient Buddha mural at Dunhuang Frescoes have brought to life with the addition of a range of her collections from the bush and beach walking around Tasmania. The soil, sand, stone and shells are the major components blended into the oriental painting medium which elevate the detailing in the arts of Gongbi."

Value: 5000
Bidding ended: 8:00pm, 9 October 20228:00pm, Sunday 9 October 2022Australia/Sydney
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


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