Davallia PS P&C Family Fun Silent Auction 2023

Make a donation

We're thrilled to announce our first-ever online silent auction, a five-day event leading up to our Family Fun Night on Friday, 17th November. This exciting auction features an incredible array of over $4,950 worth of items generously donated by members and business owners within our school community, so you can bid with confidence that every dollar raised will benefit our students.

Every item up for auction has been carefully selected to bring joy and excitement to our families. From family-friendly experiences and exciting activities to unique products and services, there's something for everyone.

Our online auction will open on Monday, 13th November, at 6:00 AM and close on Friday, 17th November, at 7:45 PM. During this time, you can browse through our extensive selection of items and place your bids. The highest bidder for each item will be declared the winner and will be notified shortly after the auction closes.

When you bid on an item, you're not just getting a great product or experience; you're also making a significant contribution to our school community. Your generosity will help Davallia PS P&C to fund important programs and resources for this year and leading into next year that enrich the lives of our Davallia Primary School students.

We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our school community members and business partners. Your support makes it possible for us to provide our students with the best possible learning experience.

Together, we can make a difference!

Fundraising target
Total raised
Bids: $3,268.00
Donations: $100.00
Make a donation

Auction terms and conditions

  • Non-transferability of bids: Bids are non-transferable and cannot be assigned to another person.
  • Winning bidders: Winning bidders are responsible for paying for and collecting their items in a timely manner.
  • Return of items: All items are sold "as is" and all sales are final. 

Additional Information

Q: When does the auction start and end?
A: The auction starts on Monday, 13th November at 6:00 AM and ends on Friday, 17th November at 7:45 PM.

Q: Can I bid on an item if I am not from a Davallia PS family?
A: Yes! The auction is open to everyone. Please share the link in the sidebar with your family and friends so they can support our great cause!

Q: Why should I bid on the Family Fun Silent Auction?
A: The Family Fun Silent Auction is a great way to support Davallia Primary School and its students. As every item in the auction has been generously donated, all funds raised go directly to Davallia PS P&C to support Davallia PS and its programs. There is a wide variety of amazing items to bid on, so you're sure to find something you love.

Q: Can I bid anonymously?
A: Bid in confidence and surprise your loved ones with the perfect gift! Our online silent auction keeps all bidders anonymous, so you can bid on that special gift without fear of being announced. Your bidder name will be hidden from public view and replaced with an anonymous pseudonym such as "Bidder 2340e." We'll also change your pseudonym between items, so no one will know what else you're bidding on.

Q: What is proxy bidding?
A: Proxy bidding is a feature that allows you to set the maximum amount that you're willing to pay for an item. The auction system will automatically bid on your behalf up to your maximum amount. To use proxy bidding, simply enter the maximum amount that you're willing to pay for an item in the "Proxy Bid" field. The auction system will then automatically bid on your behalf up to your maximum amount.

Q: How will I know if I win an item?
A: You will be notified soon after the end of the auction by email if you win an item.

Q: How do I pay for my winnings?
A: You can pay for your winnings using a debit or credit card. There is a 1.8% payment processing fee. Payment is to be made within 48 hours of the auction close.

Q: How do I pick up my winnings?
A: You can pick up your winnings from the Davallia PS Admin Office starting on Monday, 20th November. You will be notified by email at the end of the auction if your item needs to be picked up from a different location.

Q: What if I win an item and can't pick it up from Davallia PS Admin Office?
A: If you win an item and can't pick it up, please contact the Fundraising Coordinator to make alternative arrangements.

Q: Can I return an item?
A: All sales are final.

Q: What if I have a question that is not answered here?
A: Please DM us or contact the Fundraising Coordinator directly at fundraisingdpc@gmail.com.

We hope these answers are helpful!

Items in this auction are being sold by Davallia Primary School Parents and Citizens Association.
Contact name: Davallia PS P&C Fundraising Coordinator
Email: fundraisingdpc@gmail.com
Get in touch
Items in this auction are subject to an automatic extension feature. If a bid is received within 3 minutes of expiry, bidding is extended by 1 minute. These times, and the number of extensions which may take place, may be changed by the auction administrator without notice.
Items in this auction are sold subject to an administration fee of 1.8%, which will be added to the winning bid.
Bids for items in this auction are in Australian Dollars.

Showing 10 of 31 auction items