Rosemary Collard - Tap Root

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About this item

Rosemary Collard
Tap Root (1989)
2B pencil on Cartridge paper
40 x 33.5cm (framed)

'Tap Root' is one of a series of 5(2B) pencil drawings titled 'Life of the Tree' (1998) - inspired by street trees I saw in Cairo in 1985 which were shaped to resemble pyramids. These drawings are about adaptation to environmental change.

Born 1948, Western Australia
Dip. Fine Art (Painting Major) Claremont School of Art, W.A. 1976 – ‘78
PROFESSIONAL ARTIST from 1978 - 2013 in Perth, Western Australia then in Launceston, Tasmania from 2013
EXHIBITED: (Under the name Rosemary Dewar from 1978-1995)
1988 & 1990 Perth Galleries, WA
1987 Matilda Bay Restaurant, WA
1985 Art Co-Ordinates, WA
1984 Fremantle Art Centre, ‘Inscapes’ Coloured Pencil Drawings WA
1981 Miller Gallery, WA
Central Institute of Technology - Perth, WA
City of Swan - Midland, WA
Custom Credit - Perth, WA
Claremont School of Art - WA
Bunbury Art Gallery - WA
Western Capitol - Perth
Matilda Bay Restaurant - Nedlands, WA
Sheraton Hotel - Perth, WA
Bunbury Catholic College, Bunbury, WA
Rothwells - Perth, WA
Department of Immigration - Perth, WA
Perth College - Mount Lawley, WA
2012 City of Swan Excellence Award - Acquisitive Award - 'Forest Flower'
1987 and 1992 Hospice Foundation Art Prize
1985 and 1986 City of Bunbury Purchase Prize

Bidding ended: 8:00pm, 12 December 20218:00pm, Sunday 12 December 2021Australia/Sydney
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.