Norma Giles, Naughty Lost Boy and Mamu. 2017. 65cm x 50cm. Ink on paper. Warakurna Artists. (#631-17)

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About this item

Norma Ngumarnu Giles (dec) lived in Warburton in the later part of her life, but spent a large portion of her life in the small and very remote Patjarr Community on the edge of the Gibson Desert Nature Reserve, WA. She was married to a Senior Law man, Mr Jackie Kurltjunyintja Giles (who passed away in February 2010) and has many children and grandchildren living throughout the Western Desert region. She was a fantastic dancer and spokesperson for her culture, appearing in many documentaries and films showcasing Ngaanyatjarra ways of life. She was a well respected leader within the community, and through her art, has made a positive contribution to future generations.

Mrs Norma Giles (Dec) was a formidable artist, and senior law woman. Back in 2017, Mrs Giles participated in a storytelling workshop, and documented several key local narratives on paper, this one serving to document the Lost Boy Tjukurrpa, the story of a young boy who strays from family and friends to worrying consequence.

Bidding ended: 12:00pm, 31 July 202012:00pm, Friday 31 July 2020Australia/Perth
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


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