Freida Lane, Untitled. 2019. 300mm x 400mm. Acrylic on plywood. Warakurna Artists. (#245-19)
About this item
Freida Lane was born in the 1940's on the other side of the old Blackstone rockhole. 'I was born in sand, a bush baby and my mother carried me naked on her head with her piti'. (source: Papulankutja Artists website) Freida spent most of her life in Blackstone where she brought up her family and painted for Papulankutja Artists. Freida now resides at Wanarn with her sister Elaine Lane, and paints with Warakurna Artists through its Painting Therapy Program at Wanarn Aged Care. Freida's artworks are recognisable by their stunning colour and vibrancy.
This self-signed design by Papulankutja Artist Freida Lane is arguably an excerpt from the Kungarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters Dreaming), referencing the kuniya (carpet python), Wati Nyiru and one of the Seven Sisters. Freida lived and worked in Blackstone community with Papulankutja Artists until moving to Wanarn Aged Care in 2018. She now paints with Warakurna Artists through the Painting Therapy Program, and is also known for her exquisite basketry and woven sculptures.
Warakurna Artists works closely with Wanarn Aged Care Facility to conduct painting sessions with elderly patients. This program nurtures artists who have arguably contributed largely to one of the most significant art movements in Australia. The joyous communal activity has a myriad of positive benefits such as reliving boredom and frustration. Health staff report that this diversional therapy helps to reduce patient’s drug intake and the old people rejoice in sharing and passing on their important Tjukurrpa with their families who visit them when the workshops are conducted. Warakurna Artists is a positive and powerful example of Aboriginal businesses managed and governed by artists and community elders ensuring the wealth of talent and economic returns are retained in the community.
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