Dorothy Ward, Warrmarla. 2017. 65cm x 50cm. Charcoal on paper. Warakurna Artists. (#654-17)
About this item
Dorothy Ward is the daughter of Pulpurru Davies and spends her time between Warburton and Patjarr. Dorothy is an accredited interpreter and has long been actively involved in land, heritage, education, arts and cultural projects in the Ngaanyatjarra region. Dorothy's artwork graces the cover of the Ngaanyatjarra Picture Dictionary and she continues to gain recognition for her artwork and strong contribution to community development.
* Warrmarla - revenge party, soldiers, men who came in groups to take wives. They would make themselves black with charcoal and place sticks with white wood shavings on them in their headbands.(From Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra to English Dictionary, Alice Springs, IAD Press).
This work on paper illustrates a key moment from the important Warrmarla (Revenge Warrior) Tjukurrpa and its connection to the country of Karilywarra (Patjarr Community). This work was a result of a storytelling workshop in 2017, seeking to document and preserve important local narratives and culture.
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