Parcel 1

Bidding ended
Starting price

About this item

A parcel of land identified by the Pulaski County Assessor’s Office as Property Number 66-04-20-400-018.000-003, being more particularly described as follows:

The Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 20 in Township 31 North of Range 4 West of the 2nd Principal Meridian


Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20-31-4W, as surveyed by Seth White, Indiana Professional Surveyor #21200024 and shown on a plat of that survey certified on February 26, 2023 as Seth White Surveying, LLC, Job Number 230211 (all monuments referenced herein are as set or found in the aforesaid White survey), being more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said section; thence South 89 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds West, along the South line of the Southeast Quarter of said section, 1241.20 feet to a MagNail with washer (White), said MagNail being the Point of Beginning of this description; thence North 10 degrees 51 minutes 29 seconds East, along the center of the Stump ditch, 455.95 feet; thence 99.86 feet on a curve to the left, said curve being the center of said Stump Ditch, and have a radius of 170.84 feet, a chord bearing of North 06 degrees 08 minutes 45 seconds West, and a chord length of 98.44 feet; thence North 16 degrees 52 minutes 35 seconds West, along the center of said Stump ditch, 567.01 feet to where the center of said Stump ditch intersects the west line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 22 seconds West, along said line 1088.50 feet (Passing through a rebar at 66.77 feet) to the South line of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 50 minutes 50 seconds East, along said line, 92.85 feet to the Point of Beginning, said area containing 2.82 acres, more or less.

Parcel 1 contains 37.18 Acres, more or less.

Property taxes paid in 2023 were $442.08 on an assessed value of $37,600. Pulaski County’s 2024 assessed value is $47,600. 

Bidding ended: 11:59pm, 10 May 202411:59pm, Friday 10 May 2024America/Indiana/Winamac


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