OLA’s Spring Carnival Trivia Night - Silent Auction

Welcome to OLA’s, Spring Carnival Trivia Night Silent Auction!

Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School (OLA) community has nearly 200 school families, 2000 parishioners plus closely associated kindergartens, children's facilities and wider community support. This year our major fundraiser is our much anticipated OLA Trivia Night, which is an important event that helps to raise funds for projects in and around our school. 

The OLA community is raising funds for a package of outdoor works, a space that all OLA children love and value. This will include:

- Football nets to return our active kids' footballs and prevent them going into the gardens of our neighbours at lunchtime

- New drinking taps

- Upgrades to the school entrance landscapes which includes seating in the shade of the trees

- A set of the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags for our Hall to honour our indigenous history and help us to be more inclusive in our OLA community.

OLA would like to thank the generous businesses and individuals that have donated to our fundraising efforts. We couldn't have done this without their generosity.

Thank you for visiting our Silent Auction! Please check in regularly as new items will be added. This auction is not limited to people attending the Trivia Night so please feel free to share the link. We hope you find something you like, that will in return, contribute to making our fundraiser even more successful placing the children at the heart of everything we do.

Please note, this auction will close on the 29th October, 2023 @ 5pm.

If you haven’t secured your tickets yet, please go to https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1059331?qr=true

Kind regards, the Parents & Friends Association at OLA

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Items in this auction are being sold by Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School.
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Bids for items in this auction are in Australian Dollars.

Showing 40 of 55 auction items