UoN Retro Jersey Auction 2023

Welcome to the jersey auction for our OLD PLAYERS round for 2023. This will be played this Saturday (1/07/23) against Maitland at Bernie Curran Oval. 

Our great club is fighting hard in 2023 with all teams in the hunt to play finals footy. We are excited to see friendly faces around the hollow turf of BCO1. 

This year's auction will be the jerseys worn by both our P1 and Women's teams. Don't miss your chance to update your Seashorsewear in 2023 while supporting our survival. 

The University of Newcastle Rugby Union Club thanks you for your support! Good luck and happy bidding!

Total raised
Items in this auction are being sold by Troy Bailey.
Contact name: Troy Bailey
Telephone: 0409167504
Email: vp@uonrugby.com.au
Get in touch
Items in this auction are subject to an automatic extension feature. If a bid is received within 10 minutes of expiry, bidding is extended by 10 minutes. These times, and the number of extensions which may take place, may be changed by the auction administrator without notice.
Bids for items in this auction are in Australian Dollars.

Showing 16 of 44 auction items

Jersey #15- 12 LADIES

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Jersey #17- 20 LADIES

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Jersey #20- 14 LADIES

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Jersey #16- 14 LADIES

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Jersey #21- 12 LADIES

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Jersey #22- 14 LADIES

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Jersey #19- 16 LADIES

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Jersey #18- 24 LADIES

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Jersey #1- 3XL MEN

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Jersey #10- L MEN

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Jersey #11- XL MEN

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Jersey #12- XL MEN

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Jersey #13- XL MEN

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Jersey #14- XL MEN

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Jersey #15- XL MEN

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Jersey #16- 3XL MEN

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