MarkO's Dead Art Memorabilia

Hey guys this auction is to support Mark O’Brians estate and Raise funds for (A division of FSCA). His sister Jean is a member of Free Spirit Conservatory of the Arts here in Sunset Beach NC.

Mark was born in Montclair NJ in October 1958.

At 6 months old, he was diagnosed with a rare stomach blockage that the pediatric doctors said could not be fixed. His desperate parents found a young Pediatrician that had just learned of an experimental surgery that could, at least, give him a 50/50 chance of survival. His parents agreed and thankfully the surgery was successful.

Mark was a very sweet, but not so easy, child. He suffered other medical ailments during his childhood but seemed to be determined to overcome all of them …. And he did.

He graduated from Montclair High School in 1976 and went on to attend the University of Vermont. He discovered the Grateful Dead while still in HS and began attending their concerts wherever he was able to get to them.

While in Vermont he learned to Ski and discovered a new passion that became an important part of his life. He worked as a runner in NYC for the Stock Exchange, moved to Washington DC, then moved out to the West Coast. He spent a few years as Ski Patrol in Lake Tahoe and was a very talented “Hot Dogger”. He’d lived in San Francisco, Marin, the Santa Cruz Mountains and even Needles CA. During this time his love of the Dead never wavered and his Rock Art Collection is a testament to that love.

He lived an exciting and full life but sadly he passed in June of 2022 and left us this legacy. Please enjoy and bid on the pieces in this remarkable collection.

Auction terms and conditions

All sales are final, all proceeds go to the family of Mark OBrian and The Free Spirit Conservatory of the Arts a 501 C3 music and art facility in Sunset Beach North Carolina.

Items in this auction are being sold by Lea Saunders.
Contact name: Jeff Saunders
Telephone: 910 448-2590
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Showing 16 of 40 auction items

#007 Iron Butterfly – Avalon Ballroom $200

Bidding ended
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