DL6000P Dust Collector

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About this item

The DL6000P offers the convenience of two powerful dust collectors in one unit. Easily separate the units as needed or use together paired with National’s larger shot blasters and grinders. Designed to fit through standard doorways and telescope down for transportation, the versatile machine will fit into any fleet.

Width: 26″
Height: 79″
Length: 87″
Weight: 674 lb
Voltage: 230
Phase: Single
Frequency: 60 Hz
Vacuum Pressure: 98.4″ H2O
Air Movement (Combined): 508 CFM
Air Movement (Individual): 318 CFM
Primary Filter Area: 122.7 sq ft
Secondary Filter Area: 57.1 sq ft
Filter Efficiency: 99.995 @ .14 microns
Noise Emission (dBA): 80
Inlet: 3.15″

Bidding ended: 2:03pm, 8 December 20232:03pm, Friday 8 December 2023America/Denver


Bidder Time Bid
cguidera.tfc 2:03pm 08 Dec 2023 $7,800