1 online one-on-one session (60 minutes) for adults for General Spanish or Spanish for professionals/businesses purposes - MY Spanish for You
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An online one-on-one session (60 minutes) for adults for General Spanish or Spanish for professionals/businesses purposes with Vanesa - from MY Spanish for You!
- General Spanish (minimum level required B1) Spanish for professionals/businesses purposes (minimum level required B1)
- Voucher expires: 1/06/2023
Have you already attended several language courses? Maybe you have tried to improve your language skills with self-study material. Perhaps you have also started to work with a learning app but you didn't manage to keep up. Haven't seen any lasting success? Then you might want to try out learning with the NeuroLanguage Coaching© method.
Neurolanguage Coaching® incorporates the latest findings in neuroscience as well as principles and tools from coaching into the traditional process of language teaching. Through neuroscience we know that no two brains are the same, so neurolanguage coaching® is tailor-made learning to clients´ needs, without books, but with clear and structured targets to achieve in defined periods of time. Coaches have a unique delivery style with brain-friendly coaching communication.
As an ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited course, Neurolanguage Coaching® includes elements from the coaching profession such as; - ICF standards (e.g confidentiality) - goal setting - action setting - motivation and commitment - goal review and feedback Trained coaches have the ability to spontaneous troubleshoot and coach emotional triggers and blocks relating to language to make it a positive experience for the learner.
Learning is cost-effective. Learners don’t waste time learning about things they don’t need or are not interested in. Learning is faster, always relevant and 100% personalised. A Neurolanguage Coach® helps the learner set their own goals and time frames based on their interests and needs. Immerse yourself in the Spanish language without leaving your home or work and increase your performance! The Neurolanguage Coaching® method was developed by Rachel Marie Paling. As a Neurolanguage Coach®, I am certified by Efficient Language Coaching® and accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Catalog number 85
Value: $80
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