"Self Portrait" by Aqua

Bidding ended
Winning bid

About this item

Aqua's prolific artistic career meanders through several epochs, this work is from his "Pink Period", an exploration of what it means to be an artist, his gaze turning inward to examine the meaning of his practice; both personally and as part of the zeitgeist. Soft shapes billow across the canvas, answering a question that has not yet been asked.

2021, acrylic on canvas, 25cm x 25cm

Greyhounds are invited to participate in creating artworks as a form of enrichment. Enrichment activities are excellent to help rescued hounds develop confidence and decision-making skills. Money raised from the sale of artworks assists with the high costs of rescuing, rehabilitation, and rehoming greyhounds.

Bidding ended: 7:00pm, 5 September 20217:00pm, Sunday 5 September 2021Australia/Sydney
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


Bidder Time Bid
Tamara Reid 2:43pm 13 Aug 2021 $50