90-minute Yoga Therapy Session

Bidding ended
Winning bid

About this item

Yoga therapy is a self-empowering process, where the care-seeker, with the help of the Yoga therapist, creates a personalized plan of care that is applied to the person's unique circumstances and health challenges with the goal of improving, maintaining and optimizing health and well-being. 90-minute session with certified yoga therapist Jamel Soltau, M.S., C-IAYT.

Donated by I AM YOGA 808 Jamal Sotau, M.S., C-IAYT

Yoga Therapy location will be discussed at the time of contact. Flexible, will go where winner feels most comfortable. Contact information provided upon winning item.

Value: $125.00
Bidding ended: 8:30pm, 11 February 20238:30pm, Saturday 11 February 2023Pacific/Honolulu


Bidder Time Bid
macadangdang 1:36pm 09 Feb 2023 $60
good luck to all 10:19am 09 Feb 2023 $50