198 - Mayetta Steier, "Chicken Head," Value: $75

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Title: "Chicken Head"

Artist: Mayetta Steier

Media: Ceramics

Dimensions: 4" w x 6.5" h x 6" d

Value: $75

"I create functional ceramic ware that is meant to serve the inner child in every human. I have been experimenting with playful surface designs and textures and trying new forms and shapes. Letter writing and illustration are also a part of my art practice. The ability of children to create without boundary inspires my work. I seek to bring the energy of art influenced by various childhoods into functional dish-ware and illustration. Bringing as much joy and silliness as possible into the world is my prerogative." This ceramic chicken head was handbuilt and decorated with underglazes. Mayetta crafted the sculpture to have a surprised expression with its tongue sticking out. Silly and fun, this sculpture is perfect for the child or child-like person in your life.

Mayetta Steier earned a BA in agroecology and sustainable agriculture from University of California, Santa Cruz and completed Post-Graduate study in ceramic arts at Temple University. She is a member of Black Hound Clay Studio in West Philadelphia. She teaches ceramics workshops at The Clay Studio, Fleisher Art Memorial, and Black Hound Clay Studio. She is instructors assistant and Work-Study at Arrowmont. mayettasteier.com


Value: $ 75.00
Bidding ended: 7:25pm, 22 October 20227:25pm, Saturday 22 October 2022America/New York


Bidder Time Bid
marebirk 7:25pm 22 Oct 2022 $150
blisswerks 4:02am 19 Oct 2022 $40