151 - Tom Bartel, Ceramic Doll Head Sculpture #1, Value: $350

Bidding ended
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About this item


Title:  Ceramic Doll Head Sculpture #1

Artist:    Tom Bartel

Media:  Earthware, oxide wash, vitreous slip,underglaze

Dimensions:  5" x 4" x 3"

Value: $350

Fascinated by the human condition, Bartel begins his work by drawing upon various influences and placing them into surrogate forms reminiscent of dolls, figures, bodies. Surface textures place firmly between horror and humor.

Tom Bartel grew up on the Erie shores of Cleveland, Ohio and is known for his disturbing and humorous fragmented figures that take cues from a “shotgun blast” of influences ranging from antiquity to popular culture. He received his BFA from Kent State University and his MFA from Indiana University-Bloomington

Bartell lectures, conducts workshops, and exhibits extensively throughout the United States and internationally. His work is included in numerous public and private collections, and he received Individual Artist Fellowships from the Pennsylvania arts council, the Kentucky Arts Council, and the Ohio Arts Council.



Value: $ 350
Bidding ended: 3:00pm, 31 October 20223:00pm, Monday 31 October 2022America/New York


Bidder Time Bid
M Todd Cramer 12:44pm 22 Oct 2022 $300
jerry 10:46pm 18 Oct 2022 $250
Todd Cramer 12:17pm 15 Oct 2022 $200
jerry 9:21pm 08 Oct 2022 $150