San Francisco Chinatown Bar Tour, by Jake

Bidding ended
Winning bid

About this item

Winning this item scores you a once in a lifetime opportunity: drinking Mai Tai's in Chinatown while listening to Jake make up history and present it in a reasonably understandable manner! 

You're on your own to get to San Francisco, but once you're there, Jake will spin you a tale so titillating that you'll wonder why he hasn't been nominated for a Pullitzer.


Must be 21 years old to win this one, youngsters.

Value: $200
Bidding ended: 11:36pm, 31 July 202211:36pm, Sunday 31 July 2022America/Phoenix


Bidder Time Bid
Brad Dreifuss 9:41pm 31 Jul 2022 $91
Tom Berman 5:01pm 31 Jul 2022 $76
Brad Dreifuss 4:09pm 31 Jul 2022 $55
Tom Berman 1:45pm 31 Jul 2022 $50