The Sports Injury Clinic: Exercise Physiology Start Up Pack (Value $253)

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About this item

Exercise Physiology Start Up Pack at the value of $253.

Exercise Physiologists know only too well that every body is unique and responds differently to physical activity. Our general exercises physiology is what we recommend for most people to start in. It is available for all age groups, and targets the main reasons for and improved physical performance.

This includes
- 2 x 45minute 1:1 session with Excersize Physiologists and;
- 1 x week of Unlimited Group Classes for Strength and Conditioning


With thanks to The Sports Injury Clinic for their generous donation.

Value: $253
Bidding ended: 7:45pm, 3 May 20247:45pm, Friday 3 May 2024Australia/Sydney
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


Bidder Time Bid
Bidder 61010 7:23pm 03 May 2024 $50