Critique of your query package from Anna Vaught

Bidding ended
Winning bid

About this item

Win a critique of your query package from Anna Vaught. The critique will be made in writing.

Anna is an English teacher, young people's mentor, creative writing tutor - and writer of novels and short fiction. She is the author of four books, including 2020's Saving Lucia and Famished, with 4 more out in the next year. She is also a guest university lecturer, columnist, reviewer and feature-writer, who has just established a new literary prize, The Curae, for writer-carers.


Bidding ended: 8:00pm, 16 October 20228:00pm, Sunday 16 October 2022Europe/London


Bidder Time Bid
Steve Erdal 7:52pm 16 Oct 2022 £26
London 2:34pm 16 Oct 2022 £25
Sophie Neville 8:36am 05 Oct 2022 £15
Ally Nuttall 8:22pm 03 Oct 2022 £5
London 7:14pm 30 Sep 2022 £2