Auction of Gabrielle Williams art - sketch of Gough Whitlam
Hi there!
I hope you've been keeping well!
We have another opportunity for you to own your very own limited edition print of my sketch of my favourite former PM, Gough Whitlam.
There will only be 100 prints made - each framed, numbered and personally signed - and only a small portion of those will be available this year.
So don't miss your chance to have your very own limited edition pool room discussion piece.
All funds raised will go to the Dandenong SECC to support the 2022 Victorian Labor election campaign.
There are five prints on offer in this auction series. The prints are numbered 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Number 5 of 100 will be open for bids from Friday 11 February @ 5pm - Friday 18 February @ 5pm.
Number 6 of 100 will be open for bids from Friday 18 February @ 5pm - Friday 25 February @ 5pm.
Number 7 of 100 will be open for bids from Friday 25 February @ 5pm - Friday 4 March @ 5pm.
Number 8 of 100 will be open for bids from Friday 4 March @ 5pm - Friday 11 March @ 5pm.
Number 9 of 100 will be open for bids from Friday 11 March @ 5pm - Friday 18 March @ 5pm.
Please view the Auction Terms and Conditions below before placing a bid.
Good luck, and thank you again for your support!
Kind regards,
Gabrielle Williams MP
State Labor Member for Dandenong
Auction terms and conditions
The Electoral Act 2002 (Vic) prohibits non-citizens from making political donations unless they are permanent residents. By making a purchase and/or making any donation, you confirm and declare that you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
Items in this fundraiser include a donation component which will be identified on your receipt. Please be aware that from 25 November 2018, both donors & recipients must disclose political donations worth $1,050.00 or more via the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) website.
No public funds have been used in the production of these materials or for the event. All funds raised go towards Victorian ALP State Campaigns.
Authorised by Chris Ford, Australian Labor Party, (Victorian Branch). 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands VIC 3008.
Donation Terms and Conditions here -