K/1 Cross Sticks

Online bidding* ended
Highest bid

About this item

The cross is the principal symbol of Christianity, recalling the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of his Passion and death. This beautiful piece of art has been constructed from natural materials. The children used acrylic paints to colour the individual pieces of wood, which were then bound together using twine. Unfortunately, our acrylic paints didn’t come in pastel colours, but we figured out that if you ‘lighten’ them using white paint, you can create different shades of the original colour.

Value: Priceless!
Online bidding* ended: 3:00pm, 7 December 20223:00pm, Wednesday 7 December 2022Australia/Sydney
*Bidding for this item is to be continued at the live event.
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


Bidder Time Bid
Amanda Lewis 9:26pm 18 Nov 2022 $50