Terms and Conditions - Stallion Sweepstakes Auction - DO NOT BID

Bidding ended
Starting price

About this item


Brought to you by VADOBA Inc

VADOBA Inc is proud to continue the annual sweepstakes class to be held at the VADOBA Inc Championships for both yearling purebred horses and yearling derivative horses that are derived from breedings purchased at the annual stallion auction. Stallion breedings are to be donated by stallion owners, then a sale/auction will take place to sell the donated breedings. The following terms and conditions apply to both the purchaser of the semen as well as the seller who has donated the stallion service:

  1. 60% of all income received from the stallion auction will be used for prize money (“Prize money”) for the resulting yearling class to be held 2 years later (the resulting foals from the service auction).  These funds will be put into a separate bank account only to be used for the prize pool monies.  The remaining 40% is to go to VADOBA Inc for the continued promotion of the Arabian breed and can be spent as the committee at the time deem appropriate.
  2. Bidding opens Monday, 10th June 2024 and closes on Saturday 13th July 2024.
  3. Bidders can bid online until closing.
  4. Stallions available and their current bids can be viewed on the VADOBA Inc Auction page until they close at the Auction.
  5. Stallion owners are to complete a Stallion Nomination form with VADOBA Inc and to provide a photo of their stallion for the Auction page along with relevant information,
  6. Both the stallion owner and the person who purchased the service can enter one horse each (per lot number) in the relevant yearling class in two years time.  This clause only applies if the reserve was met and the service paid for.
  7. Two (2) classes will be run in 2026, one for Purebred yearlings, and one for Derivative yearlings and their Prize money will be in accordance with Clause 14. 
  8. There will also be futurity classes for 2 year olds.  Horses who are born from the VADOBA Sweepstakes Auction only can enter.  Prize money will be 100% of entry fees split as follows:
    • 45% of the Prize money for Champion
    • 25% of the Prize money for Reserve Champion
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5
  9. Where the service has been used and a non pregnancy or no live foal occurs (24 hours, up and drinking) for the year purchased, the owner of the service can try again the following season, only if stallion available. However, the resulting foal will not be eligible for the main prizemoney classes.
  10. Where a derivative foal results for someone purchasing a purebred stallion service, the service funds made will go into the derivative pool of prizemoney.
  11. The judges will award a Champion, Reserve Champion and Top 5 in each class (purebred and derivative). Prize money for that section will be split as per Clause 14.
  12. In the event that the stallion owner by reason of death or injury of the stallion is unable to fulfil this agreement for the current breeding season, then the final auction price for the stallion will be refunded without interest, unless there is frozen semen available. 
  13. No entry fee will be payable for the prize money class by either the purchaser or the seller for the yearling classes.
  14. The Prize money (as defined in Clause 1) for that year (split between Purebred Arabian and Derivative based on auction and foal nomination results) will be put into a separate bank account to be held for the class in two years time.  Payments for the Stallion Sweepstake classes will be as follows:
    • 45% of the Prize money for Champion
    • 25% of the Prize money for Reserve Champion
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5
    • 10% of the Prize money for Top 5

People nominating stallions must:

  • Donate the service free of charge to VADOBA Inc;
  • Can enter a foal resulting from the stallion they have donated the service to providing the auction met the reserve price for their stallion and the breeding is paid in full;
  • They must nominate which mare it is to be from prior to 30th June of the year of foaling;
  • Confirm that the stallion being donated is fertile and as the owner you will work with the person buying your service to organise the breeding/semen.
  • Note that frozen semen is one breeding (3 doses).  Fresh/chilled semen covers three attempts in a season (maximum of two seasons).

People bidding/purchasing Service must:

  • Accept that frozen semen is one breeding (3 doses).  Fresh/chilled semen covers three attempts in a season (maximum of two seasons).  If no pregnancy results from the frozen semen, then the purchaser can contact the seller about buying more semen if available;
  • Pay full amount of the service fee within Five (5) business days of winning the service;
  • Are liable for any fees associated with getting the mare in foal – including, but not limited to mare vet work, agistment, shipping of semen, handling fees etc;
  • Nominate which mare it is to be from prior to 30th June of the year of foaling;
  • Accept that the resultant foal must be registered with the AHSA as either a Purebred Arabian or an Arabian Derivative (not API) in order to be eligible for the Prize Money class;
  • Use the service this coming breeding season.  This makes the foal eligible for the Prize money class.  However, if no foal results after breeding then clause 9 applies.
  • Breedings are not to be wrapped over to the following season unless approved (in writing) by the stallion owner/donator.
  • If a foal that has resulted from either the stallion owners breeding or the purchaser’s breeding be sold (on the ground or in utero), then the foal will be eligible to compete in the Sweepstakes Auction Classes.  The owner of that breeding is to provide VADOBA with written confirmation that the foal has been sold and who the purchaser is.  Please note that the breeding is Not Transferable under these terms and conditions. 

We thank everyone for supporting this venture that VADOBA Inc are providing for the Arabian community.


Bidding ended: 11:30pm, 14 August 202411:30pm, Wednesday 14 August 2024Australia/Melbourne
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


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