SPONSOR: Natalie Walsh / Handmade cards and storage box

Bidding ended
Highest bid
Reserve not met

About this item

Featuring five unique, handmade cards and a handcrafted storage box with dividers.

Each card is handmade using stamps, inks and cardstocks. You can watch the process Nat uses for creating some of her cards on her youtube channel link below.

Values at $55.00

~ Natalie Walsh ~ natwalsh@yahoo.com.au / 0411 708 978 / Natalie Walsh | Linktree

Value: $55.00
Bidding ended: 8:30pm, 8 May 20228:30pm, Sunday 8 May 2022Australia/Adelaide
This item's reserve price was not met, and so it remains unsold.
Bids for this item are in Australian Dollars.


Bidder Time Bid
Bidder 68d96 7:50pm 28 Apr 2022 $10