#FT018 "I Love Eeyore, Too" - Decorated by Regina Cox

Bidding ended
Winning bid

About this item

3' Friendship Tree

I met the Adams family the day my mom passed away. I was mixing paint for her mom. We had a fun time that day. But that night my mom died and they lost a family member too; however, we laughed and had some fun. It showed me it would get better. She found out she had breast cancer, but survived. Her and her family died in a house fire a few years back. The memory I have of her, her mom and sisters that day I met them is the meaning behind this year. She loved Eeyore, too.

In Memory of Mary Hopkin

All trees are available for public viewing in open storefronts at Northland Mall.

Bidding ended: 3:00pm, 21 November 20203:00pm, Saturday 21 November 2020America/Chicago


Bidder Time Bid
Katie Pilgrim 8:35pm 20 Nov 2020 $45
Debra Hodges 7:10pm 18 Nov 2020 $35