Bidding ended
Starting price

About this item

Multimedia and acrylic on canvas
650 x 650 mm

The winning bid can be paid via bank transfer or by Hbar

Heath Kane @byheathkane
He has always been fascinated by the world around him: particularly where life, art and creativity collide. Born and brought up in Australia, he has now made the UK his home. Never creating art to please people. But, instead, he make art in response to what he see happening in the world. He wants to challenge the conventions of our lifestyles and the world we live in today. His goal is to create iconic, memorable pieces, with a strong focus on storytelling and blends bright, alluring colours with often dark subversive themes.


Bidding ended: 12:00am, 5 September 202212:00am, Monday 5 September 2022Europe/London
Stock remaining: 1